redun.console package

Submodules module

class Widget, value: Any)

Bases: ListItem

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

class str | None = None, id: str | None = None, classes: str | None = None)

Bases: Screen

Main menu for top-level Screens.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('m', '', ''), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back')]

A list of key bindings.

CSS_PATH: ClassVar[CSSPathType | None] = 'style.css'

File paths to load CSS from.


This CSS applies to the whole app.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


on_list_view_selected(message) None
class Scheduler, args: Namespace, extra_args: List[str], argv: List[str])

Bases: App

Top-level redun console App.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('m', "push_screen('MenuScreen')", 'Menu'), Binding(key='ctrl+p', action='print_screen', description='Print screen', show=False, key_display=None, priority=False, tooltip='', id=None, system=False)]

The default key bindings.

CSS_PATH: ClassVar[CSSPathType | None] = 'style.css'

File paths to load CSS from.

SCREENS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[], Screen[Any]]]] = {'ExecutionsNamespaceScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.ExecutionsNamespaceScreen'>, 'ExecutionsScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.ExecutionsScreen'>, 'FilesScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.FilesScreen'>, 'MenuScreen': <class ''>, 'ReplScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.ReplScreen'>, 'SearchScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.SearchScreen'>, 'TasksScreen': <class 'redun.console.screens.TasksScreen'>}

Screens associated with the app for the lifetime of the app.

TITLE: str | None = 'redun'

A class variable to set the default title for the application.

To update the title while the app is running, you can set the [title][] attribute. See also [the Screen.TITLE attribute][textual.screen.Screen.TITLE].

action_print_screen() None
close_screen() None

Pop and uninstall the current screen.

goto_record(record: Any) None

Push a Screen relevant for the given record.

goto_screen(screen_cls: Screen, name: str, args: tuple) Screen

Get or create a new screen.

on_mount() None
route(argv: List[str]) None

Route a path to the appropriate Screen.

route_screens: List[Type[RedunScreen]] = [<class 'redun.console.screens.ExecutionsScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.ExecutionsNamespaceScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.ExecutionScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.JobScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.TasksScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.TaskVersionsScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.TaskScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.ValueScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.upstream_screen.UpstreamDataflowScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.FilesScreen'>, <class 'redun.console.screens.SearchScreen'>]

redun.console.parser module

redun.console.parser.format_args(parser: ArgumentParser, args: Namespace) List[str]

Format a Namespace back into an argv.

redun.console.parser.get_parser_action(parser: ArgumentParser, key: str) Action | None

Returns the associated ArgumentParser Action for the given Namespace key.

redun.console.parser.parse_args(parser: ArgumentParser, argv: List[str] = []) Namespace

Parse an argv into an argparse.Namespace.

redun.console.screens module

class redun.console.screens.ExecutionScreen(execution_id: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring a redun Execution.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('n', 'next', 'Next page'), ('p', 'prev', 'Previous page'), ('f', 'focus', 'Focus job'), ('g', 'unfocus', 'Unfocus job'), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL'), ('ctrl+r', 'refresh', 'Refresh')]

A list of key bindings.


Callback for closing screen.

action_focus() None

Callback for focusing on currently selected job.

action_next() None

Callback for next page of jobs.

action_prev() None

Callback for previous page of jobs.

async action_refresh() None
action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a REPL to explore the execution.

action_unfocus() None

Callback for unfocusing the focused job.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

async load_jobs()
on_job_list_selected(message: Selected) None
on_table_selected(message: Selected) None
path_pattern = '^executions/(.*)$'
watch_args() None

Update UI when args change.

class redun.console.screens.ExecutionsNamespaceScreen

Bases: RedunScreen

Top-level Screen for exploring all redun Execution namespaces.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('n', "sort('namespace')", 'Sort by namespace'), ('c', "sort('count')", 'Sort by Execution count'), ('t', "sort('time')", "Sort by 'most recent'"), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a REPL to explore the execution namespaces.

action_sort(column: str) None

Callback for selecting column sorting.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_namespaces()

Load execution namespaces list from db.

on_table_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for when namespace is selected.

path_pattern = '^executions/namespace$'

Update screen with new arguments.

class redun.console.screens.ExecutionsScreen

Bases: RedunScreen

Top-level Screen for exploring all redun Executions.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('n', 'next', 'Next page'), ('p', 'prev', 'Previous page'), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL'), ('ctrl+r', 'refresh', 'Refresh')]

A list of key bindings.

action_back() None

Callback for popping the screen.

action_next() None

Callback for next page of executions.

action_prev() None

Callback for previous page of executions.

async action_refresh() None
action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a repl for the current executions list.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_executions()

Load executions list from db.

notify_args() None

Notify the screen that self.args has changed.

on_execution_list_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for when execution is selected.

on_screen_resume(message: Message) None

When resuming the screen ensure executions are loaded.

path_pattern = '^executions$'
watch_args() None

Update filter when args change.

class redun.console.screens.FilesScreen

Bases: RedunScreen

Top-level Screen for exploring all redun Files.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('n', 'next', 'Next page'), ('p', 'prev', 'Previous page'), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_next() None

Callback for next page of jobs.

action_prev() None

Callback for previous page of jobs.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a REPL to explore the execution namespaces.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_files()

Load task fullnames from db.

on_table_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for when task is selected.

path_pattern = '^files$'
watch_args() None

Update screen with new arguments.

class redun.console.screens.FilterScreen(parent_screen: RedunScreen)

Bases: Screen

Generic Screen for editing the parent Screen filters.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back')]

A list of key bindings.

CSS_PATH: ClassVar[CSSPathType | None] = 'style.css'

File paths to load CSS from.


This CSS applies to the whole app.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


class redun.console.screens.HelpScreen(parent_screen: RedunScreen)

Bases: Screen

Modal Help Screen that is launched from a parent Screen.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back')]

A list of key bindings.

CSS_PATH: ClassVar[CSSPathType | None] = 'style.css'

File paths to load CSS from.


This CSS applies to the whole app.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


class redun.console.screens.JobScreen(job_id: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring a redun Job.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('p', 'parent', 'Parent job'), ('c', 'children', 'Child jobs'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_children() None

Callback for showing child jobs.

action_click_exec() None

Callback for clicking on Execution.

action_click_parent_job() None

Callback for clicking on the parent job.

action_click_task() None

Callback for click on a Task.

action_click_value(value_hash: str) None

Callback for clicking on a Value.

action_parent() None

Callback for showing parent job.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a repl for the current Job.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

path_pattern = '^jobs/(.*)$'
class redun.console.screens.RedunScreen

Bases: Screen

Base Textual Screen for redun.

action_back() None

Callback for popping the screen.

action_filter() None

Callback for displaying the filter screen for the current screen.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_options() str

Returns the options as single string.

classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

notify_args() None

Notify the screen that self.args has changed.

parse(argv: List[str]) None

Parse command-line arguments and update screen.

path_pattern = ''
watch_args() None

Update screen with new arguments.

class redun.console.screens.ReplScreen(locals={}, obj_id: str | None = None)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for read-eval-print-loop (REPL).

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('c', 'clear', 'Clear')]

A list of key bindings.

action_clear() None

Clear repl output.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

on_command_input_complete() None

Callback for tab-complete action.

on_input_submitted(message) None

Callback for when input command is submitted.

on_mount() None
on_write(data: str) None

Callback for when the interpreter wants to write to the output log.

path_pattern = 'repl(/(.*))?'
update(locals={}, obj_id: str | None = None) None

Update the repl environment with new values.

write_intro() None

Write intro text to log.

class redun.console.screens.SearchScreen(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for doing general record searching.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('n', 'next', 'Next page'), ('p', 'prev', 'Previous page'), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_next() None

Callback for next page of results.

action_prev() None

Callback for previous page of results.

action_repl() None
can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_results() None
on_input_submitted(message: Submitted) None

Callback for when input command is submitted.

on_table_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for pressing enter key on a result.


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

path_pattern = '^search$'

Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.


Update screen with new arguments.

watch_page() None
watch_results() None
class redun.console.screens.TaskScreen(task_hash: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring a redun Task.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_click_jobs() None

Callback for clicking jobs link.

action_click_namespace() None

Callback for clicking Task namespace.

action_click_versions() None

Callback for clicking on Task versions link.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a repl for the current Task.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

path_pattern = '^tasks/([^/]*)$'
class redun.console.screens.TaskVersionsScreen(task_fullname: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring versions of a redun Task.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a REPL to explore the execution namespaces.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_tasks()

Load task fullnames from db.

on_table_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for when task is selected.

path_pattern = '^tasks/name/([^/]*)$'
watch_args() None

Update screen with new arguments.

class redun.console.screens.TasksScreen

Bases: RedunScreen

Top-level Screen for exploring all redun Tasks.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'app.pop_screen()', 'Back'), ('/', 'filter', 'Filter'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_repl() None

Callback for requesting a REPL to explore the execution namespaces.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


classmethod get_parser() ArgumentParser
get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

async load_tasks()

Load task fullnames from db.

on_table_selected(message: Selected) None

Callback for when task is selected.

path_pattern = '^tasks$'
watch_args() None

Update screen with new arguments.

class redun.console.screens.ValueScreen(value_hash: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring a redun Value.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_click_value(value_hash: str) None
action_downstream_jobs() None
action_repl() None
action_upstream() None
action_upstream_jobs() None
can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

path_pattern = '^values/(.*)$'
redun.console.screens.tree_sort_jobs(root: Job, jobs: List[Job]) List[Job]

Sort Jobs in preorder traversal. Annotate tree depth on each job.

redun.console.upstream_screen module

class redun.console.upstream_screen.UpstreamDataflowScreen(value_hash: str)

Bases: RedunScreen

Screen for exploring the upstream dataflow of a redun Value.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [('q', 'quit', 'Quit'), ('escape', 'back', 'Back'), ('r', 'repl', 'REPL')]

A list of key bindings.

action_click_hash(hash: str) None
action_click_value(value_hash: str) None
action_repl() None
can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


get_path() str

Returns the path element of the argv (the first argument).

path_pattern = '^upstreams/(.*)$'
redun.console.upstream_screen.display_call_node(call_node: CallNode, renames: Dict[str, str]) str

Formats a CallNode to a string.

redun.console.upstream_screen.display_dataflow(dom: Iterable[DataflowSectionDOM]) Iterator[str]

Yields for lines displaying a dataflow DOM.

redun.console.upstream_screen.display_hash(node: ArgumentValue | CallNodeValue | CallNode | Value | None) str

Formats hash for a DataflowNode.

redun.console.upstream_screen.display_node(node: ArgumentValue | CallNodeValue | CallNode | Value | None, renames: Dict[str, str]) Tuple[str, str]

Formats a dataflow node to a string.

redun.console.upstream_screen.display_section(dom: DataflowSectionDOM) Iterator[str]

Yields lines for displaying a dataflow section DOM.

redun.console.upstream_screen.display_value(value: Value) str

Format a Value to a string.

redun.console.utils module

redun.console.utils.format_arguments(args: List[Argument]) str

Display CallNode arguments.

For example, if args has 2 positional and 1 keyword argument, we would display that as:

‘prog’, 10, extra_file=File(path=prog.c, hash=763bc10f)

redun.console.utils.format_job(job: Job) str

Format a redun Job into a string representation.

Format a link pattern using a tag dictionary.

redun.console.utils.format_record(record: Any) str

Format a redun repo record (e.g. Execution, Job, etc) into a string.

redun.console.utils.format_tags(tags: List[Tag], max_length: int = 100, color='#9999cc') str

Format a set of tags.

redun.console.utils.format_traceback(job: Job) str

Format the call stack from Execution down to the given Job.

Get links from a list of link patterns and redun tags.

redun.console.utils.log_write(*args: Any) None

Debugging function to use when developing with Textual.

redun.console.utils.style_status(status: str) str

Returns styled text for a job/execution status.

redun.console.widgets module

class redun.console.widgets.CommandInput(*args, complete: bool = True, **kwargs)

Bases: Input

Input widget with history and tab-completion.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [Binding(key='up', action='cursor_up', description='cursor up', show=False, key_display=None, priority=False, tooltip='', id=None, system=False), Binding(key='down', action='cursor_down', description='cursor down', show=False, key_display=None, priority=False, tooltip='', id=None, system=False)]
Key(s) | Description |
:- | :- |
left | Move the cursor left. |
ctrl+left | Move the cursor one word to the left. |
right | Move the cursor right or accept the completion suggestion. |
ctrl+right | Move the cursor one word to the right. |
backspace | Delete the character to the left of the cursor. |
home,ctrl+a | Go to the beginning of the input. |
end,ctrl+e | Go to the end of the input. |
delete,ctrl+d | Delete the character to the right of the cursor. |
enter | Submit the current value of the input. |
ctrl+w | Delete the word to the left of the cursor. |
ctrl+u | Delete everything to the left of the cursor. |
ctrl+f | Delete the word to the right of the cursor. |
ctrl+k | Delete everything to the right of the cursor. |
class Complete(text: str)

Bases: Message

bubble: ClassVar[bool] = True
handler_name: ClassVar[str] = 'on_command_input_complete'

Name of the default message handler.

no_dispatch: ClassVar[bool] = False
verbose: ClassVar[bool] = False
action_complete() None

Callback for tab-complete attempt.

action_cursor_down() None
action_cursor_up() None
can_focus: bool = True

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

on_input_submitted(message: Submitted) None
class redun.console.widgets.ExecutionList(executions: List[Execution] | None, **kwargs)

Bases: DataTable

Table of redun Executions.

class Selected(execution: Execution)

Bases: Message

bubble: ClassVar[bool] = True
handler_name: ClassVar[str] = 'on_execution_list_selected'

Name of the default message handler.

no_dispatch: ClassVar[bool] = False
verbose: ClassVar[bool] = False
can_focus: bool = True

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

key_enter(event: Key) None

Callback for pressing enter key on an Execution.

watch_executions() None

Set the list of Executions to display.

class redun.console.widgets.Interpreter(locals, write)

Bases: InteractiveInterpreter

Interactive Python interpreter used by the ReplScreen.

run(code: str) Any

Execute a code object.

class redun.console.widgets.JobList(jobs: List[Job] | None, **kwargs)

Bases: DataTable

Table of redun Jobs.

class Selected(job: Job)

Bases: Message

bubble: ClassVar[bool] = True
handler_name: ClassVar[str] = 'on_job_list_selected'

Name of the default message handler.

no_dispatch: ClassVar[bool] = False
verbose: ClassVar[bool] = False
can_focus: bool = True

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

key_enter(event: Key) None

Callback for pressing enter key on a Job.

watch_jobs() None
class redun.console.widgets.JobStatusTable(execution_id: str, **kwargs)

Bases: Table

Table of redun Job statuses by task.

can_focus: bool = True

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

async load_jobs() None
on_mount() None
class redun.console.widgets.PageLabel(page: int)

Bases: Widget

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

render() ConsoleRenderable | RichCast | str

Get text or Rich renderable for this widget.

Implement this for custom widgets.


```python from import RenderableType from textual.widget import Widget

class CustomWidget(Widget):
def render(self) -> RenderableType:

return “Welcome to [bold red]Textual[/]!”



Any renderable.

class redun.console.widgets.RedunFooter(page: int)

Bases: Footer

Footer used on Screens that use pagination.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = False

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()



Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

watch_page() None
class redun.console.widgets.RedunHeader(title: str, **kwargs)

Bases: Static

Header used on all Screen to display the current CLI command (e.g. argv).

CSS_PATH = 'style.css'
can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

update(title: str) None

Update the widget’s content area with new text or Rich renderable.


content – New content.

class redun.console.widgets.Table(*, show_header: bool = True, show_row_labels: bool = True, fixed_rows: int = 0, fixed_columns: int = 0, zebra_stripes: bool = False, header_height: int = 1, show_cursor: bool = True, cursor_foreground_priority: Literal['renderable', 'css'] = 'css', cursor_background_priority: Literal['renderable', 'css'] = 'renderable', cursor_type: Literal['cell', 'row', 'column', 'none'] = 'cell', cell_padding: int = 1, name: str | None = None, id: str | None = None, classes: str | None = None, disabled: bool = False)

Bases: DataTable

Generic DataTable that uses Enter key to select cells.

class Selected(table: Table)

Bases: Message

bubble: ClassVar[bool] = True
handler_name: ClassVar[str] = 'on_table_selected'

Name of the default message handler.

no_dispatch: ClassVar[bool] = False
verbose: ClassVar[bool] = False
can_focus: bool = True

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

key_enter(event: Key) None

Callback for pressing enter key.

Bases: Container

Displays links derived from redun Tags.

can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.

compose() Iterable[Widget]

Called by Textual to create child widgets.

This method is called when a widget is mounted or by setting recompose=True when calling [refresh()][textual.widget.Widget.refresh].

Note that you don’t typically need to explicitly call this method.


```python def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:

yield Header() yield Label(“Press the button below:”) yield Button() yield Footer()


class redun.console.widgets.ValueSpan(value: ~redun.backends.db.Value, format: str = '{value}', max_size: int = 100, on_click=<function ValueSpan.<lambda>>)

Bases: Static

Rendering of a redun Value that is linkable and collapsible.

action_click() None
action_expand() None
can_focus: bool = False

Widget may receive focus.

can_focus_children: bool = True

Widget’s children may receive focus.


Create a reactive attribute.

  • default – A default value or callable that returns a default.

  • layout – Perform a layout on change.

  • repaint – Perform a repaint on change.

  • init – Call watchers on initialize (post mount).

  • always_update – Call watchers even when the new value equals the old value.

  • bindings – Refresh bindings when the reactive changes.

render() Any

Get a rich renderable for the widget’s content.


A rich renderable.

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